Visitor Attractions
Corrigin is situated in the Central Wheatbelt, 225kms east of Perth (approx 2.5 hours). The kind of atmosphere you can expect to experience in Corrigin is one of relaxed friendliness and pride, as well as the hustle and bustle of farming activities and daily life.
We encourage you to stop and have a look at what we have to offer, even if only for a couple hours – we know you will not be disappointed with what you encounter.
Dog Cemetery 
Established in 1974, the Dog Cemetery is a tribute to Mans Best Friend. With over 200 loved ones now buried, the cemetery is unique to Corrigin and worth a visit. Take time to read some of the headstones of beloved pets in their final resting place.
Located 5kms west of town on the Brookton Highway, the Cemetery is landmarked by a statue of a large dog. Any person is welcome to bury their dog at the cemetery, although contact with the Shire office must be made first. Call the office on (08) 9063 2203 during business hours.
Pioneer Museum 
Housing the history of our days gone by, a worthwhile visit whilst in Corrigin. View the collection of tools and restored farm machinery, including tractors in working order, see the blacksmiths shop, the one room school, the shearing shed, old district photographs, clothing and other pioneer memorabilia. The Pioneer Memorial Wall at the entrance to the Museum commemorates early settlers. Please call in for a visit, you will be surprised!
Address |
Cnr Kunjin Street and Kirkwood Street |
Opening Hours |
Sundays 1pm - 4pm and Wednesday 1pm - 4pm (Other days by arrangement – Phone: 0427 920 737) |
Ken |
0475 231 152 |
Eric Jespersen |
0427 920 737 |
Val Downing |
0429 632 114 |
Cost |
Adults $5 Children Free (accompanied by an Adult) Unaccompanied Children: $0.50 |
Scenic Lookouts 
RSL Lookout and the Scenic Lookout Drive, provide ideal photo opportunites of the various views including the townsite, salmon gums, wheatfields and natural bush reserves. You can also inspect the World War I Turkish Mountain Gun located at the top of the RSL Lookout.
Parks and Reserves
Corrigin offers a variety of interesting parks, reserves, tracks and trails. There’s something for everyone! 
Miss B's Park
Located in the heart of town, this is the perfect picnic, BBQ and rest spot with landscaped garden surroundings, shade, toilets and play equipment for the kids.
Adventure Playground
A great place to picnic with playground equipment for the children. Located next to Corrigin Rock, the Adventure Playground provides plenty of shade and tranquillity. This park has a fort structure (which is also disability accessible) and a 'spider net' to climb and play on. A gas BBQ, picnic setting, toilets and shelter have been installed with paving all around. 
Rotary Tourist Park
Situated next to the Pioneer Museum, Rotary Park is the perfect picnic spot with toilets, gas barbecue, shaded tables, green grass and play equipment for the kids and is conveniently located next to the Museum.
Corrigin Nature Reserve
At 1200 ha in size, the Corrigin Nature Reserve is one of the largest and most important areas of remnant vegetation in the central Wheatbelt. The Scenic Lookout and Wildflower Drive are located in the Nature Reserve, located 5km out of the townsite on Brookton Hwy heading to Perth (signposted) and is one of the best locations to seek out wonderful wildflowers and native vegetation, however you will also be lucky enough to see them in the road verges and reserves throughout the whole shire. 
Corrigin Wildflower Drive
Like most rural areas, Corrigin experiences some beautiful sights during the wildflower season, which is usually in September / October every year. The Corrigin Wildflower Drive starts opposite the Dog Cemetery, 5km west on the Brookton Highway and takes you on a well maintained gravel track to the Scenic Lookout, which overlooks the townsite and wheatbins. Variety is the keynote as the plants change with soils through woodlands, thickets and shrubland. For further information view the Corrigin Wildflower Drive brochure or call into the Corrigin Community Resource Centre.
Gorge Rock
Located 20kms from town, Gorge Rock is a natural rock pool which was once the local swimming hole (before the Olympic pool was constructed in town). A walk to the top offers spectacular panoramic views of the Corrigin countryside and the area provides a good rest stop for travellers with parking and picnic facilities. Many native animals and birds inhabit the surrounding natural bushland. 
A small townsite within the Corrigin Shire, Bullaring has the Dorothy Martin Wildflower Garden.
Pathways to Wave Rock
The Pathways to Wave Rock links the Shires of Corrigin, Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Lake Grace, Kulin, Kondinin and Quairading. From massive granite outcrops to spectacular views, vibrant wildflowers and true county hospitality, this self-drive trail offers a range of unique experiences across the region. Easy day trips can be made to many of the region’s iconic sights including Wave Rock. An undiscovered wilderness!
Pathways to Wave Rock MAP & VISITOR GUIDE
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