Corrigin Public Library
The Corrigin Library is managed by the Shire of Corrigin and is located within the Corrigin Community Resource Centre (CRC). The public library is a free service and becoming a member is also free.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 4:30pm.
Closed Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
Address |
55 Larke Crescent, Corrigin WA 6375 |
Phone |
(08) 9063 2778 |
Fax |
(08) 9063 2779 |

Becoming a Member of the Corrigin Library
To become a member of the Corrigin Library, please complete the Corrigin Library Membership Form and bring into the Corrigin CRC, along with some form of photographic identification (e.g. Drivers License, Student Card or Passport).
Minimum borrower age is 12 years.
Library services are provided jointly by the State Library of Western Australia and the Shire of Corrigin. The service provides informational, educational, recreational and cultural materials in a variety of formats to all age groups. Your local library is a link to all other service points within the State and through regular exchange of materials and inter-library loans, it provides access to over 2 million items of information. Requests can be made for library books that are not in stock. Feel free to discuss with our Library officers who will be happy to assist you.
In stock currently, the Corrigin Library has the following:
- Books - fiction, non-fiction and reference
- Large Print Books
- Audio Books
- DVDs
Corrigin eLibrary
Get THOUSANDS of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines & Films on your phone or tablet right now. Your next favourite book is just a tap away!
Enjoy access to over 7,000 titles on your phone or tablet thanks to your library and BorrowBox. If you carry nothing else but your phone you can access a library of books to listen to. You could be listening to a great book right now!
- Borrow up to six eAudiobooks and six eBooks for 2 weeks
- Free on Apple and Android apps
Read here for step-by-step instructions on how to set up BorrowBox on your phone or tablet.
You can now stream over 30,000 films on your phone or tablet, from one of the most unique collections in the world - including award-winning documentaries, indie and foreign films, must-see classics and blockbuster movies. Kanopy includes films from hundreds of popular producers & distributers such as Madman Entertainment, BBC, ABC Australia, The Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, and PBS, as well as thousands of independent filmmakers. Kanopy’s films cover all topics including foreign languages, LGBT cinema, career development and business skills, environmental sciences, history, astronomy, and much more.
All you need to access this fantastic resource is a Corrigin Library card.
- Library users will have access to up to 4 films per month
- Free on Apple and Android apps
Read here for step-by-step instructions on how to set up Kanopy on your phone or tablet.
Don’t have time to visit the library? Libby lets a world of books come to you, wherever you are. Borrow a book from anywhere in the universe you can get internet. No need to return books to the library. Never get a late fee. 40,000 different titles including many NEW releases. Built in dictionary and the touch of a finger. Enjoy reading an eBook today.
- Borrow up to ten titles for up to 3 weeks
- Free on Apple and Android apps
Access over 300 titles on your phone or tablet thanks Libby. Pick up the latest news, DIY or food magazine whenever you have a spare 5 minutes. Libby, the world's largest news-stand, offers full colour, interactive digital magazines for your enjoyment. Browse the collection of popular titles with no holds, no checkout periods, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download. Digital versions of all your favourite magazines that are available online at the same time as they are off the printing press.
Read here for step-by-step instructions on how to set up Libby Overdrive on your phone or tablet.