Services: Corrigin Phonebook

Location: Corrigin Community Resource Centre

Phone: 08 9063 2778 Email:

Corrigin Phonebook

The Shire of Corrigin Phonebook is produced by the Corrigin Community Resource Centre (CRC) and is available to purchase from the Corrigin Newsagents, Post Office, Shire and Corrigin CRC office. If you're living out of town, simply call us on 9063 2778 and we'll arrange to post you a copy (postage & handling fees apply).

Phonebook listings are bi-annually updated in June and we endeavour to ensure correctness. Please assist us to keep the Shire of Corrigin Phonebook up-to-date, by providing us with details of any changes to your Residential; Business, or Groups & Clubs listings.

Corrigin Phonebook contents:

  • Residential Listings (White Pages)
  • Business Directory (Yellow Pages)
  • Shire Information (Orange Pages)
  • Emergency Numbers & Calendars (Blue Pages)
  • Groups & Clubs Guide (Pink Pages)
  • CB Numbers (Green Pages)

Please enter details below to be included or updated in the Corrigin Phone Book - RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS (White Pages).


Corrigin Business Directory

Business Directory listings and advertisements are renewed annually in May/June and run for a full financial year from July to June.

Business DIRECTORY LISTING & Advertising RateS:

  • Business Listing only: $15 / year
  • Half Page Advertisement - $50 / year (includes Business Directory listing)
  • Full Page Advertisement - $100 / year (includes Business Directory listing)
    Payments are due by June every year

For information on placing a listing or advertisement in the Business Directory (yellow pages), please complete and return a Business Directory Listing Form or call us on 9063 2778 to discuss business advertising options.



This guide is produced by the Corrigin CRC as a means of helping locals and newcomers to get to know about the wide range of Clubs & Groups and how they can get involved. All registered Groups & Clubs are asked to contribute their current details to be included in this guide and the Corrigin CRC updates this information annually.

2023 - 2025 Groups and Clubs Guide

The Corrigin Clubs & Groups Guide is an important section within the Phonebook (pink pages). We rely entirely on community input to ensure correctness, so your assistance with this is appreciated.

Please complete details and information about your GROUP or CLUB below.


 Thank you for assisting us to ensure the Corrigin Phonebook remains current and relevant.