Rachel Bairstow appointed
Pool Manager for the Corrigin
Swimming Pool
Rachel brings her enthusiasm and many years of
experience to the position. Originally from
Dumbleyung, Rachel worked as a Lifeguard and
Swim Teacher in Perth, at the Beatty Park Leisure
Centre for 6 years, she then managed the
Dumbleyung Pool for a couple of years before
moving to Kununurra and working as Pool Duty
Manager at the Leisure Centre, soon followed by
promotion to Leisure Centre Coordinator. Over the
last 7 years Rachel has been the Pool Manager at
Wongan Hills, before now joining the team in
Corrigin. Rachel said,
“I’m very excited and looking forward
to working at the Corrigin Pool, bringing
new programs and ideas to
the community”.
Keep your eyes open over the coming months for
Pool Notices about Swimming Lessons, Aqua
Aerobics & Family Fun Nights, just to name a few !
New speed signs have
been installed along the
Corrigin Babakin Road.
Lew’s Lookout Upgrade
The old wooden platform has been replaced at
Lew’s Lookout, located along the Scenic Drive. The
views are amazing, with a 360 degree panorama of
the Corrigin town site and surrounding farmland.
2.7kms of shoulder widening has been
completed on the Corrigin Babakin Road.
The viewing platform has received a makeover at Lew’s Lookout on the Scenic Drive
Strengthening our community now to grow and prosper into the future
w w w . c o r r i g i n . w a . g o v . a u