Youth and Children
Child Care
Giggle Pots Daycare
Giggle Pots Day Care Centre opened in May 2009 and is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation. It is managed by Committee members who are parents or other interested community members elected annually, in accordance with Child Care Licensing and Standards.
Giggle Pots is licensed for 29 children each day, catering for children aged 0-12 years old.
Appropriate programs and activities are provided by qualified staff trained to cater for individual needs and differences in every child. Regular or casual bookings can be made by contacting the Giggle Pots Daycare centre.
Long Hours Daycare - new enrolments welcome.
OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm.
Corrigin Child Health
Appointments with the Child Health Nurse are conducted at the Corrigin Hospital. For all appointments please call the Corrigin Child Health Nurse.
Child Health Clinic Contact Details
Address |
Corrigin Hospital |
Phone |
0428 964 512 (for all appointments) |
CRC Youth Groups
The Corrigin Community Resource Centre conducts monthly Friday drop in-sessions for both Girls and Boys in Years 6 - 12. Kids get together for fun activities, leading projects and connecting with their peers.

School Holiday Programs
The Corrigin Community Resource Centre runs fun daily activities during the April, July and September school holidays for kids of all different ages. Check in with the CRC before the holidays to see the awesome program they will have planned.

For more up to date information follow the Shire of Corrigin Facebook page or contact the Corrigin Community Resource Centre on 9063 2778 or email