Strategic Community Plan
Our Strategic Community Plan reinforces our commitment to the people who live, work and visit Corrigin. The purpose of this document is to provide a clear purpose and strategic direction for our Shire, and to source the funding and support required to address the community priorities detailed later in this document.
It was developed based on
- The State Government’s Blueprint for the region and other relevant policies, plans and strategies from both the State and Federal Governments.
- Extensive community engagement on what is important to the people that live within our Shire.
- Input from Elected Members and Staff based on feedback they have received and their strong desire to deliver positive outcomes for their community.
- Current partnerships and projects already being delivered.
How the Strategic Community Plan will be used
The Shire of Corrigin uses the Strategic Community Plan in several ways, including:
- Guiding priority setting and decision making;
- Providing a mechanism for the ongoing integration of local planning initiatives;
- Informing decision making of other agencies and organisations, including community and State Government;
- Providing a rationale to pursue grants and other resources by demonstrating how specific projects align with the aspirations of our community, within the strategic direction of the Shire;
- Informing potential investors and developers of our community’s key priorities, and the way we intend to grow and develop;
- Engaging local businesses, community groups and residents in various ways to contribute to the Shire’s future; and
- Providing a framework for monitoring progress against our vision.
The Shire of Corrigin community had a strong involvement and voice in the development of the Strategic Community Plan. The following strategic objectives were set as a result of this engagement.

Corporate Business Plan
Corporate Business Plan is a rolling four year plan which identifies the services, activities and projects and their resourcing requirements to deliver on the strategies and outcomes of the Strategic Community Plan.
The Corporate Business Plans defines the facilities, services, programs and projects the Shire will undertake to deliver the community priorities that are detailed in the adopted Community Strategic Plan. Appended to the plan is a financial forecast for the next 4 years taken from the long-term financial plan.
The Corporate Business Plan is reviewed and updated annually to reflect any changes to the long-term financial plan, service levels and to include any new programs, projects or strategic initiatives.
Shire of Corrigin Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25
Long Term Financial Plan
The Long Term Financial Plan is an important tool that demonstrates the alignment between the Shire’s financial capacity and the strategic objectives identified by the community in the Strategic Community Plan (SCP). This plan allows the Shire to set priorities based on the ability to identify resources to deliver the objectives from the SCP in a sustainable manner.
The LTFP is a 15-year rolling plan that informs the Corporate Business Plan to activate the priorities from the Strategic Community Plan and underpins the development of the Annual Budget.
Shire of Corrigin Long Term Financial Plan 2022 - 2037
Workforce Plan
The Workforce Plan is a continuous process designed to shape our workforce and to ensure that it has the capacity to deliver our objectives into the future.
Workforce planning is one of the four key components of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework and Guidelines now in place across the local government sector in Western Australia.
At the strategic level, this Workforce Plan considers the community’s aspirations, priorities and objectives identified in the Shire of Corrigin’s Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031. The Strategic Community Plan sets out the longer-term vision for our Shire.
The Workforce Plan is an essential component of the Corporate Business Plan, where it will identify workforce requirements and strategies for current and future operations over the next four years or more.
Shire of Corrigin Workforce Plan 2021/22 - 2024/2025

Public Health Plan
We are pleased to present the Shire of Corrigin’s Public Health Plan, which will provide direction for the next 4 years. The public Health Plan will sit alongside the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan and is designed to provide direction on public health, healthy lifestyles and recreation for members of our community.
Each local government in Western Australia is required by the Public Health Act 2016, to enhance the health, wellbeing and safety of its community and align with the State Public Health Plan for Western Australia 2019-2024. By incorporating the outcomes and strategies of the Public Health Plan into Council’s Strategic Community Plan, the Public Health Plan will remain relevant to the community needs and keep up with the changing demographics of our local community.
Shire officers have assisted in the development of this plan to ensure it reflects the needs of the community. Participants of the Health and Wellbeing Survey helped shape the direction of the Public Health Plan and tailor it to the needs of the people of Corrigin.
It is our goal, as a Council, to implement this plan in collaboration with key stakeholders to improve health outcomes for all residents in our Shire.
Shire of Corrigin Public Health & Wellbeing Plan 2022-2026