Community surveys are undertaken at the Shire of Corrigin to gather data that will assist Council when making decisions on behalf of the community. Surveys can be specific to a project, service or facility or can be based on all Shire services. Community members are encouraged to participate in surveys when the opportunity arises. This makes sure data collected is representative of community sentiment and provides a sound base for the development and determination of decisions that need to be made in the future.
Surveys ask for your views on projects, local services and facilities and your ideas about how these can be developed, maintained or improved. Surveys are a positive way for the community to have a say.
Current Surveys:
The Bilbarin Hall has been a focal point for community events and gatherings over the years and has played an important part in the history of the Bilbarin community. Unfortunately the hall was significantly damaged by fire and the cost to repair and rebuild is estimated to be over $1 million.
Have your say now, by completing the survey Printed copies of the survey will be available from the Shire Office for people who don’t have online access. Once you have completed the survey, please return it to the Shire Office by the 26 August 2022.