Public Interest Disclosure

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act) allows people to make disclosures about wrongdoing in public authorities, which includes the State public sector, local governments, government trading enterprises, public universities and some government bodies and committees (public authorities), and protects them when they do. 

It aims to ensure openness and accountability in government by encouraging people to make disclosures and protecting them when they do.

We should all speak up.

The Public Sector Commission has developed the guide -  Don’t be Afraid to Speak Up to assist people thinking of making a disclosure if they have concerns that may be a public interest disclosure (PID) in accordance with the PID Act, this guide can be accessed below or via the Public Sector Commission website here. 

Detailed information about public interest disclosures can be found on the Public Sector Commission’s website here or alternatively by calling the Integrity Advisory Services on 08 6552 8888 or email

A detailed procedure on making a Public Interest Disclosure (PID) with the Shire of Corrigin is below as well as a lodgement form:

Public Interest Disclosure Procedure

Public Interest Disclosure Lodgement Form

Public Sector Commission - Guide for Disclosers

For further information on making a disclosure to the Shire of Corrigin please contact:

Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Officer

Kylie Caley

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Shire of Corrigin

PO Box 221


Phone: 08 9063 2203


 Please mark any correspondence ‘Private and Confidential’