A Guide to Development/Planning & Building Permit Approvals
In most cases both a planning and building permit application will be required, however there are circumstances where only one application is required. To understand the difference between the two application please read this Guide.
The Shire of Corrigin utilises the services of the City of Kalamunda for all building matters. Enquiries can be directed to the City of Kalamunda on 9257 9941 or www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au.
What needs a building Approval?
Building approval is needed for most types of construction in the Shire including buildings outside of the Corrigin town site except for sheds used solely for rural purposes. This includes most alterations/additions to dwellings and associated outbuildings/fencing within town sites. All commercial/industrial work also requires building approval and may also require council's planning consent (see under Town Planning).
The only exceptions to the above are; minor non- structural housing/outbuilding works, and non commercial/industrial outbuildings outside town sites (farm sheds, garages, pools etc).
The below link is an excerpt from the Government of Western Australia Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website. This is a complete guide of the building permit approval process in WA and will also take you through the building classes and fees associated.
Building permit types and their processes

Applying for a building permit
Anyone can apply for a building permit, the owner, builder, designer, building surveyor or any other person. The applicant provides details of the person responsible for the work, i.e. the builder, in the application form. The builder takes responsibility for ensuring the construction complies with the applicable building standards and the provisions in the building permit. An application can be made for a building or one or more stages of a building. There are two types of building permit applications, “certified” and “uncertified”.
Certified application
A certified application is accompanied by a certificate of design compliance and can be made for any class of building and incidental structure. The permit authority has 10 business days to decide on a certified application.
Applications for Class 1b and Class 2 to Class 9 buildings must be made as certified applications whereas this is optional for Class 1a and 10 buildings and incidental structures.
Form BA1
Uncertified application
An uncertified application is submitted to the permit authority without a certificate of design compliance and can only be made for Class 1a and Class 10 buildings and incidental structures.
An independent building surveyor is appointed by the permit authority to check the proposal and provide a certificate of design compliance. The permit authority has 25 business days to decide on an uncertified application.
Form BA2
A building permit application must be accompanied by
- a certificate of design compliance (BA3) except for uncertified applications;
- copies of all relevant plans and specifications;
- evidence of the following authorities under written law as relevant to the building or incidental structure (r. 18) —
(a) if the building work involves the construction or installation of any apparatus for the treatment of sewage as defined in the Health Act 1911 section 3(1), the approval required under section 107(2)(a) or (b) of that Act;
(b) if the building work is development as defined in the Planning and Development Act 2005 section 4, each approval required under that Act in relation to the work such as a copy of the planning approval or its reference number; or
(c) if the building work involves the construction, alteration or extension of an aquatic facility as defined in the Health (Aquatic Facilities) Regulations 2007 regulation 4, the approval required under Part 2 Division 1 of those regulations;
- evidence that notification of the name, address and contact number of the applicant for a building permit and the name of the permit authority to which the application is made has been given to the Heritage Council of Western Australia if the place to which the application relates (r. 18(3)(a)) —
(a) is subject to a Heritage Agreement made under the Heritage Act section 29;
(b) is entered in the Register of Heritage Places established under the Heritage Act section 46;
(c) is subject to a Conservation Order under the Heritage Act section 59; or
(d) is subject to an Order in Council made under the Heritage Act section 80.
- appropriate consent forms or court order where work encroaches onto or adversely affects other land;
- evidence that the required insurance provisions under the Home Building Contracts Act 1991 have been met (where applicable);
- payment of the prescribed fee and levy; and
- evidence of owner-builder approval from the Building Services Board (if applicable).
The approval process will be quicker and more effective if a complete application is submitted to the permit authority. A permit authority must not grant the building permit unless it is satisfied as to each of the matters mentioned in s. 20, which includes the information above.
The fees cover the cost of assessment, regardless of the outcome. There is no refund of fees on refusal.
Conditions (s. 27)
A permit authority may impose, add, vary or revoke conditions on a building permit. Any conditions must relate to the particular building work rather than to work of that kind generally. Importantly those conditions cannot modify the certificate of design compliance or the plans and specifications that are specified in that certificate.
Applicants may apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision of the permit authority in relation to a condition imposed on the grant of a building permit.
Variations during construction
During construction some circumstances may arise that require changes or variations to the plans and specifications. Some minor changes may not require any amendment to the plans and specifications. Other changes or variations may require a certificate of design compliance if the changes affect compliance with the building standards. Accordingly a new building permit may be required to reflect those changes. The new building permit may cover the changes only and the previous building permit still covers the other works.
However where there are substantial changes or variations to the design or construction of the building or incidental structure, a new building permit for all the works may be warranted. This ensures that an accurate building record is maintained for that building or incidental structure.
Duration of a building permit
A permit authority may set any validity period for a permit. This is usually done at the request of the applicant. Where the permit authority does not set a validity period, the default is two years. If a project takes longer than expected, an application to extend the permit (BA22) can be submitted to the relevant permit authority.
How to Apply for a Building Approval
To apply for building approval an application form must be completed and submitted with scaled plans, written specifications, and the appropriate fees paid. The fees paid are based on the value of the works.
Applications can be handed in over the counter to the Shire office at 9 Lynch Street, Corrigin, Posted to PO Box 221 Corrigin or emailed to Shire@corrigin.wa.gov.au.
A separate planning approval may also be required if the work involves commercial/industrial development, more than one dwelling, or is otherwise required by Council's Town Planning Scheme. Any domestic work with a value exceeding $20,000 must be carried out by a licenced builder or under an owners builders permit. Information on how to obtain an owner builders permit may be found by going to www.buildingcommission.wa.gov.au. Any work involving plumbing where town sewer is not available may also require a septic approval.
Septic Tank Approval
Any new or alterations to an existing onsite sewerage disposal system (such as a septic tank/ leach drain or ATU system) requires approval.
Septic Tank Application
For further information regarding Septic Approvals please contact EHO Lauren Pitman eho@corrigin.wa.gov.au or 0427 137 431
Demolition of Buildings
A demolition approval is required prior to demolishing any building. An application form must be completed with a site plan showing the building's location.
BA5 – Application for demolition permit
Public Building Approval
Any building of a public nature is required to have a Public Building approval which sets out the maximum number of persons allowed at any time and other requirements. Further information on this can obtained by contacting the Shire.
Private Swimming Pools & Spas
All pools and spas whether temporary, permanent, above ground or below ground in the Shire of Corrigin are required to have building approval and compliant safety barriers.
Safety barriers must be compliant with the Building Act 2011 – Building Regulations 2012 – AS1926.1:1993.
A swimming pool/spa as being a place or premises provided for the purpose of swimming, wading or like activities, which has the capacity to contain water that is more than 300 mm deep.
Pools or spas installed on or after 5 November 2001 are required to have an isolation fence. There must be an approved fence and/or gate between any door and the pool or spa area.
Pools or spas installed before 5 November 2001 are required to restrict access from the house, neighbours, and road. Doors are permitted to lead directly into the pool area but must be compliant with Australian Standard 1926.1 – 1993.
From 1 September 2007, all new swimming pools and spas are required to be covered by a blanket to reduce water evaporation and accredited with the Smart Approved Watermark as required under the Building Amendment Regulations (No.3) 2007).
Building Commission Rules for Pools & Spas
Rules for pools and spas publication
All swimming pools/spas in Western Australia are required to be inspected by a Pool Inspector authorised by the Local Government at least once each four years. Authorised Pool Inspectors have a legal right of entry onto your property to conduct these inspections with or without notice.
Pool Inspections are generally undertaken as part of a four yearly program funded by an annual fee added to the Shire rates on properties with pools.
If you have a pool on your property or you are a tenant of a property with a pool that you don’t think has been checked by the Shire or where you are unsure what the requirements are, you must contact the Environmental Health Officer to arrange an inspection on 08 9063 2203.
Dividing Fences
For legislation, information and guidance regarding dividing fences please visit the Building Commission's website www.buildingcommission.wa.gov.au.