Customer Service, Vision & Values

Our Vision

The Shire of Corrigin comprises a diverse range of people, communities and landscapes. It is imperative that the vision captures the diversity of the area and is inclusive of all as the Shire moves forward. The community’s vision has been developed with a range of input received through the community engagement process. It reflects clear community aspirations for a ten year period of the Strategic Community Plan.

The Shire of Corrigin’s Council vision in the Strategic Plan 2021-2031 is:

“Corrigin – strengthening our community now
to grow and prosper into the future”

Our Values

A Council and workforce dedicated to working together to provide quality services to our community by embracing the following values:

  • Leadership
  • Honesty
  • Initiative
  • Compassion
  • Efficiency
  • Confidence
  • Empathy
  • Accountability

Our Customer Service Charter


The Shire of Corrigin is committed to providing the highest standard of service to all of our customers. Our customers have the right to expect excellent service from all areas of the organization.

Our Core Values

  • We will be professional and have a strong work ethic
  • We will work together as a team to achieve our goals
  • We will take pride in our work and strive to continually improve the way we do things
  • We will communicate with each other and to our community in a positive and respectful manner
  • We will provide a safe, healthy, and inclusive work environment
  • We will support local businesses when possible
  • We will be a leader in local government governance and operations


Our Customer Service Standards

Our employees will:

  • identify themselves
  • listen carefully to what you have to say
  • be helpful, polite, and courteous
  • follow through on any commitments they make
  • value and encourage your feedback

Our information will be:

  • easy to access
  • accurate and consistent
  • relevant and practical

Our actions will:

  • be fair and impartial
  • be completed within a specified timeframe
  • take your individual needs into consideration


Our Commitment to Customer Service

We will:

  • answer telephone calls promptly and respond to telephone messages by the end of the next working day
  • respond to verbal queries within 5 working days
  • respond to written queries within 10 working days
  • respond to complaints within 10 working days
  • update you on the progress of your query or complaint if a delay is likely
  • acknowledge and rectify when an error has occurred
  • honour the Shire of Corrigin Code of Conduct
  • in giving advice of a refusal, approval, or authorisation (including a licence or permit) with or without conditions, officers will provide the details of how, to whom and by when an appeal, objection or review of the decision can be made, if such right exists either at law or Council Policy.



Communication with the Community

The Shire of Corrigin uses a range of methods for communicating with the general public including:

  1. Council meetings, community forums, public meetings, and Annual Electors Meetings.
  2. Advertisements in the West Australian for legislated statewide public notices.
  3. Advertisements in the local newspaper.
  4. Displaying information with poster displays.
  5. Bulk email distribution list.
  6. Shire website.
  7. Facebook page.
  8. Delivered leaflets; and
  9. Noticeboard located at the Administration Office, Community Resource Centre, and Main Street.

One, or a combination, of any of the above methods may be used at any time to notify members of the public of activities and events within the Shire of Corrigin and to promote the Shire generally.

Additionally, the monthly newsletter, will be distributed via a bulk email distribution list to the community as well as being included in The Windmill, on the shire social media page and on the website.

Abusive Customers

Where a customer is abusive or uses bad language, the communication may be terminated immediately by the Officer. If face to face, the Officer may walk away. If by telephone, the Officer may terminate the call. If in an email the address may be blocked or not responded to.

The Chief Executive Officer may decide (or delegate to Managers) to limit or cease responses to any person who is abusive and or derogatory in his/her communication with Council or who fails to accept that Council has done all that it can to assist. A decision of this nature will be communicated in writing to the person.

If an Officer feels threatened by the language or behaviour of the customer, the Police may be notified.


Our Expectations of the Customer

To help us meet our commitments we ask you to:

  • Treat officers with courtesy and respect.
  • Provide accurate and complete details.
  • Make an appointment in relation to a complex enquiry or need to see a specific officer; and
  • Be considerate by not talking on your mobile phone whilst being served.


 Compliments and Complaints

A Compliment is an expression of approval or praise about our products or services. To give us a compliment a simple ‘Thank You’ or acknowledgement of quality service with a letter, email, or comment on our social media.

A Suggestion is an idea or proposal that you believe will help improve our products and services

A Works Request is used to report a problem or request a service from the Shire in relation to one of our many services or facilities maintained by the Shire a works request can be completed by attending our Administration Office or on our website. A Works Request is not a request for private works on private property or facilities.

A Complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about our products or services, or the complaints handling process itself, where you expect a response or resolution.

What is not a complaint?

  1. A request for service.
  2. A request for information or an explanation of a policy or procedure.
  3. Disagreement with a policy or procedure of the Council.
  4. An expression concerning the general direction and performance or behavior of Council or its Councillors; and
  5. Reports about neighbours, noise, dogs, nuisances, unauthorised building work or similar issues that fall into the regulatory aspect of the Shire’s service.

Complaints Management Process

A complainant may make a complaint by phone, email or in person to any Shire of Corrigin representative but will be required to formalise the complaint in writing. Correspondence should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and the complainant’s contact details are required to be provided.

Your complaint should include:

  • who or what you are complaining about.
  • what you think has gone wrong.
  • how you have been affected.
  • when the issue occurred.
  • details of any telephone conversations and/or meetings.
  • copies of relevant documents (e.g. correspondence);
  • what you have done to try and resolve the issue.
  • the outcome you are seeking

Once a complaint is  lodged,  we  undertake  to  acknowledge  it  in  writing  if  it  has not previously been resolved. We will inform you of any progress within seven working days.

Some complaints may take longer to finalise, due to the complexity of the issue. If this is the case, we will keep you involved in the process and provide you with regular feedback.

If you need any further clarification on how your complaint will be managed, we will provide you with information on our Complaint Handling Procedure.

If a complaint remains unresolved or you are dissatisfied with our process in dealing with a complaint, alternative avenues to explore include:

Ombudsmans Office – The Ombudsman investigates complaints about State Government departments, agencies, and boards; government services such as hospitals, prisons, schools and Local Governments. The Ombudsman will generally ask that you try to resolve the complaint first with the public authority involved.

Mail:                       PO Box Z5386, St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6831

Telephone:             (08) 9220 7555 or Toll Free 1800 117 000




Department of Local Government – The Department of Local Government Standards Panel deals with complaints about council members who it is alleged have committed a breach of one or more of the provisions of the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021. The panel is independent of the Minister for Local Government and the department. The standards panel has no jurisdiction to deal with complaints made against local government employees.

Mail:                       GPO Box 8349, Perth Business Centre, Perth WA 6849

Telephone:            (08) 6552 7300 or Toll Free 1800 634 541



How you can contact us

Phone:                   (08) 9063 2203

In person:             9 Lynch Street, Corrigin WA 6375

                               8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday

Mail:                      PO Box 221 Corrigin WA 6375



Facebook:           Shire of Corrigin

 Endorsed by Council 17 December 2024, Resolution 131/2024