Family Day Care - 37 Murphy Street Corrigin

Published on Wednesday, 12 July 2023 at 10:25:08 AM

The Shire of Corrigin  invites public comments on the proposal for a family day care at 37 Murphy Street Corrigin. 

Development Application

Comments on the proposal are now invited and can be emailed to or posted to the Shire’s Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 221 CORRIGIN WA 6375 by no later than Wednesday 9 August 2023. All submissions must include the following information:

• Your name, address and contact telephone number;
• How your interests are affected; whether as a private citizen, on behalf of a company or other organisation, or as an owner or occupier of property;
• Address of property affected (if applicable); and
• Whether your submission is in support of, or objecting to the proposal and provide any arguments supporting your comments.

All submissions received may be made public at a Council meeting and included in a Council Agenda, which will be available on the Shire’s website, unless a submission specifically requests otherwise.

Natalie Manton
Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Corrigin
12 July 2023

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